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Tiger Story

More to be added...Don't be a poor sport and get pissed at me for puttin em in here...

Phillies721: k im comin over after school tomorrow and we're gonna go to the mall ok?

kiRScH 89: haha k

Phillies721: i gotta show you this tiger i saw

Phillies721: he speaks french!

Phillies721: i swear to god

kiRScH 89: haha whatt

Phillies721: yeah man you wanna go?

kiRScH 89: like a real tiger?

Phillies721: it costs $2 to see him though

Phillies721: yeah!

kiRScH 89: noo wayy!

Phillies721: you know how they teach monkeys how to do sign language??

Phillies721: haha i swear to god

Phillies721: he doesn't talk very fast

Phillies721: but it's funny as hell

kiRScH 89: thats insane

kiRScH 89: but like tigers dont even talk english how can they talk french?

kiRScH 89: youve got to be lying

Phillies721: no im not!

Phillies721: im dead serious

Phillies721: it's NUTS

Phillies721: he's not like really good

Phillies721: but he can seriously talk!

kiRScH 89: weiird

Phillies721: i didn't believe it either

kiRScH 89: what store is it in

Phillies721: it's in the middle part

Phillies721: where they put the huge christmas tree in december

kiRScH 89: omg cool

Phillies721: haha i know, there were so many foreigners when i went last weekend

Phillies721: like this tiger is world famous

Phillies721: you didn't hear about it on jay leno?

Phillies721: he was on there

kiRScH 89: nope

kiRScH 89: thats wayy crazy

Phillies721: you ever seen jay leno and how he sometimes has stupid animal/human tricks?

Phillies721: haha this friggen tiger was on there

kiRScH 89: no i havent

Phillies721: man you really gotta check this out

Phillies721: we'll go sometime

kiRScH 89: alright cool

kiRScH 89: i wanna see it now!

Phillies721: haha it's unrealllllll

kiRScH 89: phil i wanna see them damn tiger

Phillies721: it's the coolest thing i've ever seen, they even have a translator

Phillies721: they ask him questions

Phillies721: he's not very smart though

Phillies721: he's a tiger of course

kiRScH 89: thats so tight

Phillies721: he talks back sometimes too, like she'll ask him what kinda food he likes and he'll be like YOU!

Phillies721: it's nuts man, it's quite the show

kiRScH 89: so we can ask it questions?

Phillies721: yeah! they take questions from the audience at the very end

Phillies721: he's kinda funny sometimes too

Phillies721: like the way a parrot talks

kiRScH 89: can he speak in english too

Phillies721: he's learning

Phillies721: not a whole lot, but he knows some words

Phillies721: it's insane

kiRScH 89: they should teach it to say fuck

kiRScH 89: hahah

Phillies721: i don't know how they did it?

kiRScH 89: idk

Phillies721: yeah i guess ty wants to come too

kiRScH 89: thats gay tho you seriously have to pay

Phillies721: haha yeah but it's soooooo worth it

kiRScH 89: yeahi know hes talking to me about going to it

Phillies721: no way!

Phillies721: well we should definitely go tomorrow

kiRScH 89: yeah it would be cool

Phillies721: who else wants to come

Phillies721: bring some friends

kiRScH 89: alright

Phillies721: it's a really tight show, like they show his background and where he came from and shit

kiRScH 89: but i gotta question

Phillies721: he's from the french rainforest

Phillies721: yeah?

kiRScH 89: is this tiger like in a cage right?

kiRScH 89: hes not just like chillin on stage

Phillies721: well he's actually quite tame so they just have him on a thick leash

Phillies721: with a buncha big guys all around

Phillies721: why

kiRScH 89: wayy scary

Phillies721: haha nooooo..... he's not scary

kiRScH 89: because i dont want it to like attack

Phillies721: oh don't worry about it

Phillies721: he's not gonna

Phillies721: there's too many people around

Phillies721: they're scared of humans

kiRScH 89: yeah right they like kill ppl all the time

Phillies721: yeah the wild ones

Phillies721: this one is really mild and calm

kiRScH 89: oh well thats good

Phillies721: why are you scared of tigers?

kiRScH 89: well yeah

kiRScH 89: you arent?

Phillies721: noooo not after i saw that guy

Phillies721: he was teh first i had seen in real life

Phillies721: you ever seen one in real life?

kiRScH 89: at the zoo but thats it

Phillies721: he only bit like one guy a long time ago but that was a freak accident

Phillies721: ohh

Phillies721: the guy was teasing him

Phillies721: and it was just his hand so nothin serious

kiRScH 89: well still that means he could attack then

Phillies721: haha no.... that was in the 90's when they didn't have security on him and he couldn't speak french yet

Phillies721: he has a lot of security

kiRScH 89: haha thanks for that quote in your profile!!!!

Phillies721: they're more worried about YOU hurting HIM

Phillies721: haha don't worry about it

kiRScH 89: phil all i can say is you better not be lying because now im wayy too pumped up to see it

Phillies721: i can't believe you've never seen him before

Phillies721: or HEARD of him even

kiRScH 89: i know this is weird

Phillies721: well what is ty sayin about him

Phillies721: has he met him?

kiRScH 89: i dont think so

kiRScH 89: he just said he wants to go with us

Phillies721: oh tight

Phillies721: im pumped now

kiRScH 89: yay me too

kiRScH 89: im out ttyl

Phillies721: pooz

kiRScH 89: pooz?

Phillies721: peace = pooz = cya later = bye

Phillies721: it's french haha

Phillies721: i thought you'd catch on

kiRScH 89: ohh haha your tricky

hahaha apart from everything else....

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