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Movie Trivia

Random Movie Quotes Game...first 2 weren't saved but I know who's got what points still...

Name this Movie:
"Ok ill have a hotdog, Frankenstein what do you want?"
"30 Packets of ketchup!"
Name this movie:
"Barry's last name is manilow?"
"Barry, where did he go!?"
"Boston, like massachusetts?"
"Yeah, that's what I said: Austin, Massachusetts."

Name this Movie: (stats leader is Barrett by 1)
"Set up by the DEA and the FBI.... that didn't bother me. Set up by Dooley and Derek Fareel to save his own ass...that didn't bother me. Sentenced to 60 years at Otisville correctional facility...that didn't bother me. What did bother me, is that I had broken a promise to a little girl."
Name this Movie Trivia:
In the lead, barrett and trav...
other notables: Ali, Dockendorf
[Laughing hysterically]
"Hey man, why don't you try your burger?"
"haha yeah, why don't you take a bite outta your burger??"
Name this Movie Trivia 1/18/06:
1. Trav
1. Barrett
3. Pato
3. Ali
3. Bry
This one should be a little harder:
"You're tellin me I have a twin brother that works for the CIA?"
[Hint: Anthony Hopkins also stars]
Movie Trivia 1/19/06
1. Trav
1. Barrett
3. Bry
4. Pato
4. Ali
"No matter how big a guy might be, Nicky would take him on. You beat Nicky with fists, he comes back with a bat. You beat him with a knife, he comes back with a gun. And you beat him with a gun, you better kill him, because he'll keep comin' back and back until one of you is dead."
Movie Trivia 1/20/06
1. Commander Cool (self described aka Barrett)
1. The Jackal (aka Trav)
2. Bry
3. Pato
4. Ali
Narrator: "Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity. And so we ask ourselves: will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we are gone, and wonder who we were, how bravely we fought, how fiercely we loved?"
Movie Trivia 1/21/06
Leaderboard (Out of 9 total)
1. The Jackal (9)
1. Commander Cool (self described Barrett) (9)
3. Bry (7)
4. Pato (6)
5. Tomb (5)
"...Who wants a mustache ride?"
"I DO I DO!"
"Oooh, I vant von too!"
Movie Trivia 1.22.06
1. The Jackal
1. Commander Cool (aka Barrett)
3. Bry
4. Pato
5. Tomb
"Too expensive for the army?"
"I don't think they tried to market it to the billionaire, spelunking, base-jumping crowd."
Movie Trivia 1/23/06
1. The Jackal
1. Commander Cool (aka Barrett)
3. Bry
4. Pato
5. Tomb
This one should divide the leaderboard a lil bit...
"Go back to your fancy cars, and your big bank accounts, and your celebrity friends, and your beautiful women, and Victoria Silvestedt, Playmate of the Year... FUCK! "
"Duuuude that is so fuckin weak... how am I supposed to get a chick in that???"

Movie Trivia 1.24.06
1. The Jackal (trav)
1. Commander Cool (Barrett)
3. Bry
4. Pato
5. Tomb
5. Wilson
"Behind every good man there is a woman, and that woman was Martha Washington, man, and everyday George would come home, she would have a big fat bowl waiting for him, man, when he come in the door, man, she was a hip, hip, hip lady, man."
Movie Trivia 1.25.06
1. Commander Cool (barrett)
1. The Jackal (trav)
3. Bry
4. Pato
5. Tomb
[Cop gets out to help others in an accident]
"Wait nah we gotta go back to the Station, man... I need an asprin, like a Hockey Puck!"
Movie Trivia 1.27.06
Leaderboard hasn't changed
[playing with the food]
Hobo: "I'm not gonna eat that shit you fucking retard."
"No one calls me a retard, ya FREAKIN HOBO!"
[start to fight]
Movie Trivia 1/28/06
1. The Jackal (aka trav)
1. Commander Cool (barrett)
3. Bry
4. Pato
5. Tomb
"See that? Tattoo on the lower back... might as well be a bullseye."
Movie Trivia 1.31.06
1. Commander Cool (Barrett)
1. The Jackal (Trav)
3. Bry
4. Pato
5. Tomb
No dialogue in this one but still pretty easy...i'm gonna keep postin it until somebody gets it
[A man is getting surgery done on his brain while men watch]
[Camera shows front of his knuckles of both hands:
H-O-L-D      F-A-S-T           ]
Movie Trivia 2.09.06
1. Kamakazi (Trav)
1. Commander Cool (Barrett)
3. Bry
4. Pato
5. Tomb
"You want me to kill Japs? I'll kill Japs. You want me the kill the ENEMIES of Japs, I'll kill the ENEMIES of japs. Rebels, Souix, or Cheyenne...for $500 a month I'll kill whoever you want...but keep one thing in mind: I would happily kill you for free."
[Trav falls off pace of the leader... what a brutal day...month + of perfection and he bails on me...]

Movie Trivia 2.12.06
1. Barrett
2. Trav
2. Bry
3. Pato
3. Tomb
"I have this friend and he gave his cable guy $50 and then he got all the movie channels for free. You ever hear of anything like that? "
"You mean illegal cable? You're offering me a bribe. What you have just done is illegal and in this state, if convicted, you could be fined up to $5,000 or spend 6 months in a correctional facility!"
"I'm just jerking your chain.. [crazy laughing] Ha Ha Ha. I'll juice ya up."

Movie Trivia 2.23.06
1. Commander Cool (Barrett)
2. The Jackal (Trav)
2. Bry
4. Pato
5. Swanson
"So what made you rally and win Jim?"
"...I know what I'm fighting for."
"and what's that?"

"My kids think I'm bringin home a buncha turtles..."

Movie Trivia Madness