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Tiger Story

As shocked as I was about the original quote... the story goes deeper... this might blow the tiger story out of the water....

The original quote:
Jenn: "Phil how was london?"
Me: "Nuts."
Jenn: "What'd you do?"
Me: "Saw stuff."
Jenn: "Did you see the Eiffel tower?"
[everybody almost dies of laughter....I look at tiff]
Tiff: "What was wrong with that question?"
[Jenn and Tiff argue about where the Eiffel tower is]
... The story continues.........
Phillies721: hey guess what, i got a quote today that beats all of yours combined
HeRSheEKisseZ919: haha what would it be
Phillies721: ok so it's jenn corazzo and tiffany porter combo
Phillies721: jenn goes: "phil how was london"
Phillies721: i go "great, we saw stuff"
Phillies721: she goes "did you see the eiffel tower?"
Phillies721: i start to die of laughter at her..... i settle.. then i look at tiff and she goes: "what's wrong with that question?"
HeRSheEKisseZ919: ok but seriously...i dont get it either
Phillies721: oh my fucking god
Phillies721: how many girls do you think i could do this to
Phillies721: ask your friends
Phillies721: copy paste it and see if they get it
Phillies721: and then paste what their answers to me
Phillies721: please
Phillies721: ask your girlfriends
HeRSheEKisseZ919: haha no one is on
HeRSheEKisseZ919: but explain it to me please
Phillies721: no way
Phillies721: you honestly don't get it????
HeRSheEKisseZ919: i mean i get it
Phillies721: do you know what the eiffel tower is?
HeRSheEKisseZ919: but i mean i dont get what was wrong with her question either
HeRSheEKisseZ919: yeah its like the leaning tower of pizza
Phillies721: im embarassed FOR you!
Phillies721: ............
Phillies721: im shocked
HeRSheEKisseZ919: why
Phillies721: you don't know what the eiffel tower is
Phillies721: do you know what london is?
HeRSheEKisseZ919: yeah its the capital of france
Phillies721: ..........
Phillies721: i feel like i've just discovered a new species of retard
Phillies721: please don't tell me you're serious right now
Phillies721: london... are you sure you got the name right and it's not the crack?
HeRSheEKisseZ919: omg phil tell me what is even going on
HeRSheEKisseZ919: !!
Phillies721: the city.... london
Phillies721: where is it
Phillies721: like what country
HeRSheEKisseZ919: france
Phillies721: ...........
HeRSheEKisseZ919: ...k?
Phillies721: im appalled
HeRSheEKisseZ919: whyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Phillies721: haha just to let you know this is gonna be a whole page for the quotes
HeRSheEKisseZ919: why
HeRSheEKisseZ919: tell me now!!
Phillies721: ok... im so embarassed ill tell you...
Phillies721: london = england
Phillies721: it's the tower of pisa too by the way
Phillies721: and the eiffel tower is in france
Phillies721: paris is the capital of france
HeRSheEKisseZ919: omg and paris was my second guess!!
HeRSheEKisseZ919: england wasnt even processing!!
Phillies721: processing?
HeRSheEKisseZ919: yeah...my second guess was that london was in paris
Phillies721: WHAT!?
Phillies721: pleasssssse explain
HeRSheEKisseZ919: aww nvm now imjust digging myself into a huger hole that i wont be able to ever get out of!!
HeRSheEKisseZ919: huge**
HeRSheEKisseZ919: ummm i thought london was in france
HeRSheEKisseZ919: and my seoncd guess was that its in paris
HeRSheEKisseZ919: and i didnt even think of englad cuz i forgot it was a place
[I've been thinking about this for awhile, and why we don't emphasize creativity more in our schooling... and I've developed a new educational system that just might work with a few touch-ups:
1. If you can read this you're overqualified to be taking "mom classes"
2. As juniors, females will take a national exam that separates them into three classes
    a. Elite Females - Pass the test, have potential to get specific degrees and have a properous future in the real world as a working citizen. Take normal/advanced classes for the rest of highschool/college.
    b. Bubble Females - They don't necessarily pass the test, but they are able to get a good score. These females would be allowed to have their senior year to turn things around in the normal classes. If so, they upgrade to Elite. If not, they drop to "Mom" females.
    c. "Mom" Females - Obviously they fail the test and are no longer required to take normal classes such as science, english, etc. They are to take classes such as the following: Nursery, Cooking, Home Ec, Sewing, etc.
***Please note that the following separated classes are not permanant. They could all change and be interchangable at the discretion of the raters.
For the Elite Females/Educated males:
1. The current educational system is concrete on the idea of "rope memory teaching". For example: I give you information, you see how much you can give back to me and have it stay with you. With the rising technology, this will change everything.
2. Computers and other technology will take the place of the left side of our brains essentially (not entirely of course, there should still be some of both teaching styles). Creativity and imagination flourishes in the right side of the brain. This will allow unimaginable possibilities and growth for new technologies. Rather than rope memory teaching styles... teaching will consist of creativity and imagination exercises at all levels (for example: artistic, idea thinking, problem solving, philosophy, etc.), thus creating a new breed of everything. New markets, unthinkable possibilities and combinations.
    Respond to this if you suggest any changes or if you're against it, I'm always game for a good argument.
